This Clássic French Toást recipe is eásy, uses simple pántry ingredients, ánd hás á secret ingredient thát mákes á thicker bátter with cinnámon sugár flávors thát reálly set it ápárt. One of our fámily’s fávorite breákfásts!
Sáturdáy mornings áre for breákfást: yummy, fáncy, but eásy breákfást! Now thát I háve little ones, “sleeping in” no longer háppens. Scrátch thát; sleeping in no longer exists in my world! So in order to drág myself out of bed on the weekend I’ve got to envision something delicious to máke for breákfást.
Eásy Clássic French Toást recipe thát uses simple pántry ingredients, ánd hás á secret ingredient thát mákes á thicker bátter with cinnámon sugár flávors thát reálly set it ápárt. One of our fámily's fávorite breákfásts!
- 4 lárge eggs
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1/4 cup áll-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup gránuláted sugár
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- 1 teáspoon ground cinnámon
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 8 thick slices breád
- Preheát griddle to 350 degrees F or or heát á skillet over medium heát. Greáse well with butter.
- ádd áll ingredients, except the breád, to á blender or to á shállow dish ánd whisk well to combine. If whisking by hánd, it's okáy if the flour doesn't mix in completely smooth.
- Dip breád slices into the egg mixture, dredging them well on both sides, ánd pláce on hot, greásed griddle or skillet.
- Cook for á few minutes, until the bottom of the breáds stárts to get golden brown. Flip ánd cook on the other side the sáme.
- Remove to á pláte. Serve wárm, with syrup ánd á sprinkle of powdered sugár.
Recipe Adapted From