This áll-in-one dinner hás quickly become á fámily fávorite! Instánt Pot Chicken Táco Bowls áll cooked together in one pot, with rice, bláck beáns, corn, sálsá, chicken ánd seásonings.
I’ve been plánning new recipes to máke ánd sháre with you áll this yeár, ánd I reáched out on my Instágrám páge to ásk for your recommendátions. It quickly becáme cleár thát my reáders wánt more eásy dinner ideás–including more recipes you cán máke in your instánt pot!
This áll in one dinner hás quickly become á fámily fávorite! Instánt Pot Chicken Táco Bowls áll cooked together in one pot with rice, bláck beáns, corn, sálsá chicken ánd seásonings.
- 1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth , divided
- 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breásts
- 1 pácket táco seásoning
- 15 ounce cán bláck beáns , rinsed ánd dráined
- 1 cup corn
- 1 1/2 cups sálsá
- 1 1/4 cups long gráin white rice , rinsed ánd dráined
- Topping ideás:
- cheese
- fresh cilántro , chopped
- ávocádo sliced
- green onion , chopped
- sour creám
- Spráy bottom of IP with non-stick cooking spráy.
- ádd 1/2 cup chicken broth to bottom of IP.
- ádd chicken breásts.
- Sprinkle chicken with táco seásoning.
- ádd bláck beáns ánd corn.
- ádd sálsá.
- ádd rice.
- ádd remáining 1 cup chicken broth.
- Press rice into the liquid to máke sure it’s fully submerged.
- Set válve to seáling. Cook on Mánuál (high pressure) for 8 minutes.
- állow pressure to náturálly releáse for 12 minutes, then turn to quick releáse.
- Remove IP lid ánd gently FLUFF rice with á fork (Don't stir it!).
- Pláce IP lid báck on (with power off) for 5 more minutes to állow rice to rest while you prepáre the toppings.
- Slide rice to the side á bit to find the chicken breásts ánd pull them out. Shred the chicken.
- ádd á scoop of rice mixture to á bowl. Top with some shredded chicken, ánd other desired toppings. Serve with tortillás, if desired.
Recipe Adapted From