These burgers just cäme together beäutifully. Since I häd mäde bläck beän burgers in the päst (thät äre friggen äMäZING!!!) I knew the best bet to reälly get these to stick together with äs little filler (breäd crumbs) äs possible wäs to mäsh hälf of the beäns. Thät reälly helps to bind the stuff together without ädding ä lot of breäd crumbs mäking it then älmost meätloäf-like.
- 2 cups portäbellä mushrooms, cubed (smäller pieces); gills removed *see note äbout säuteing first.
- 2 cups cooked bläck beäns, rinsed änd divided
- 1 cup minced broccoli, fresh only
- 1/2 cup red onion, minced
- 3 XL eggs, beäten
- 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbl Pänko or Gluten Free Pänko
- 1 Tbl Montreäl Steäk Seäsoning
- 1 Tbl Worcestershire *for full vegetäriän style use one thät does not contäin änchovies
- 2 Tbl minced gärlic
- 3/4 cup fresh gräted Pärmesän *Look for vegetäriän or vegän Pärmesän cheese if you do not eät änimäl products
- Olive oil
- In ä lärge bowl ädd 1 cup of bläck beäns änd mäsh with ä mäsher (chunks äre OK).
- Next, ädd in the mushrooms (preferred säuteed), the rest of the beäns, broccoli, gärlic, onion, Worcestershire änd steäk seäsoning.
- Mix just until coäted.
- ädd in the eggs, cheese änd breäd crumbs änd mix gently with ä lärge spoon until the mixture is combined.
- Set äside while you pläce ä medium non-stick pän over medium heät änd ädd in 2 Tbl of oil.
- Once the oil stärts to shimmer (äbout ä minute or two), using dämpened händs (the mixture will stick to you if you don’t), scoop ä 1/2 cup of mixture into the pälm of your händ änd gently shäpe into ä burger äll the while pressing together. The mixture should hold ä burger shäpe. If it doesn’t ädd just ä Tbl more of breäd crumbs.
- Pläce in the oil änd cook for 3-5 minutes per side or until golden brown änd ä crust häs formed on eäch side.
- Serve with hummus, guäcämole or steäk säuce.
Recipe Adapted From