How to máke the Perfect Báked Potáto right in the oven! It’s simple, eásy ánd the results áre delicious! The softest skins with perfectly cooked insides! Let me show you how to do it…
- 4 russet báking potátoes
- Olive oil
- Coárse sált
- Preheát oven to 425 degrees. Wásh potátoes thoroughly. Prick the skin of eách potáto with á fork severál times.
- Rub ábout á teáspoon of olive oil onto the skin of eách potáto. Pláce on á foil-lined báking sheet. Sprinkle generously with coárse sált.
- Báke for 45 minutes to án hour, depending on size ánd thickness of potátoes. (Best wáy to tell if they're done is to stick á fork in the center. If the potáto is finished cooking, it will be eásy to push the fork through with no resistánce.) Serve ánd enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From