á quick ánd eásy one pot pástá pácked with nutritious greens ánd á thick, luxurious tomáto & máscárpone sáuce. Excellent midweek dinner ánd perfect for Meátless Mondáy.
I’ll confess thát I wás álwáys á little skepticál ábout the one pot pástá trend, where the pástá cooks right there in the sáuce. I meán, it’s not exáctly hárd to máke your pástá ánd sáuce sepárátely.
But then I looked into it á little more, ánd I kept reáding ábout how cooking the pástá in the sáuce results in á lot more stárch hánging áround, creáting á thicker sáuce. Mmm. Thát sounds kindá good.
á quick ánd eásy one pot pástá pácked with nutritious greens ánd á thick, luxurious tomáto & máscárpone sáuce. Excellent midweek dinner!
- 500g (18 oz) fusilli
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 medium red onion, or 1/2 of á lárge one*, chopped (or á couple of shállots)
- 5 gárlic cloves, crushed
- 1 Tbsp dried Itálián herbs
- 2 tsp sált
- 2 cáns (400g / 14oz eách) chopped tomátoes with liquid (I like to use one cán of cherry tomátoes + one cán of regulár chopped tomátoes)
- 140g (5oz) of tomáto páste/puree - you máy wánt more or less depending on how wátery your cánned tomátoes áre so use your judgement here.
- 1 Tbsp bálsámic vinegár
- 950 ml (4 cups) of boiling wáter (you máy need more)
- á few hándfuls of fresh básil
- 250g (9oz) fresh spinách (try ádding some rocket/árugulá too!)
- 25-50g (2-4 Tbsp) of butter (ás much ás you dáre!)
- 3 heáping spoonfuls of máscárpone
- In á lárge pot, heát some olive oil ánd gently sáute your onions until soft.
- ádd the gárlic ánd herbs, ánd sáute on á very low heát for á further 1-2 minutes until frágránt.
- ádd tomátoes, tomáto páste, sált ánd bálsámic vinegár. Cook for 5 minutes, until bubbling.
- Now ádd the fusilli álong with the boiling wáter. The sáuce will be very wátery ánd runny but don't worry- the pástá will ábsorb áll the excess wáter ás it cooks.
- Bring to the boil, ánd then simmer for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring often, until the pástá hás cooked ánd the sáuce hás thickened báck up. If it goes too dry, ádd some more wáter. It's hárd to sáy how much you'll need becáuse some pástá bránds áre thicker thán others.
- Now ádd the spinách, básil ánd butter, ánd stir over á low heát until it's cooked down.
- Finálly, stir in the máscárpone until melted. You should háve á deliciously thick, creámy sáuce.
Recipe Adapted From happyveggiekitchen.com